Oscars producer made a video mentioning Twilight fans and urging us to watch the Oscars on Sunday night. What could it be? The cast has presented before (Rob in 2009, Kristen and Taylor in 2010) and whatever they have planned for Twilight fans is said to be "mindblowing", so it's not just someone presenting. It's something bigger. Question is, what? Here are some tweets about it.
I find this interesting, especially since I believe the first person to tease us was MTV's Josh Horowitz:
He posted that on Twitter on February 18, weeks away from the Oscars. Is this what he was referring to? Maybe.
Now this is what I think it's NOT possible:
Cast presenting. Pretty cool? Yes. Mindblowing? Hardly. It's something better and very unexpected.
Footage of Breaking Dawn? This is not the MTV Movie Awards. The Oscars do not promote future productions. Never have, never will. This is not a stage for that.
This is what I think IS possible:
Twilight sketch featuring the cast. A cool little short film, something funny featuring the actual cast.
A performance with the cast. Rob sings. Kristen sings. Anne Hathaway and James Franco are the presenters and they sing. We've heard since Oscars promotion started that they want this show to be young and fun. Could it be a live musical/comedy opening about Twilight featuring the actual stars? Sounds crazy, but it's the only thing I would call "mindblowing".
A Twilight musical parody/song without the cast. Since they're filming Breaking Dawn, it might be impossible to also prepare for Oscar night. So maybe there will be a fun Twilight little number, but no cast members performing. Maybe Franco and Hathaway will be Edward and Bella?
Whatever it is, it better be good because now we're intrigued, excited and definitely waiting for it. Check back Sunday morning for links to livestreams and also check your local listings to watch the Oscars on TV. Follow us on Twitter for live updates and commentary: @TwilightPoison. We like to live tweet HQ screencaps, so it will be worth it!
Leave your thoughts in the comments.
UPDATE: Producer confirms no Rob, Kristen or Taylor: 83rd Annual Academy Award producer Bruce Cohen, who ’ s an Oscar winner himself, phoned in Friday morning to “ On Air with Ryan Seacrest ” to give us the inside scoop on the upcoming award show, hosts Anne Hathaway and James Franco, as well as revealed more on the surprise in store for the “ Twilight ” Twihard ’ s will “ blow people’ s minds” as well! Watch the video
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