rkfanz @chrisweitz The dream Bella had in New Moon that got cut was really freaky & cool. Were you upset that it didn't make it to movie? Nah. Didn;t move forward the plot. It was pretty weird, hunh? BAsed on Gregory VCrewdson photos, and we built a room set half in the dirt
TracySHardin@chrisweitz if you could remake Star Wars with actors today, who would play Luke, Leia, Han, etc...? Wow unlovely this question. I will first answer seriously, then poorly. Luke: my man Lautner. Leia: KS. Han: James Franco. Darth: still James Earl Jones. Young annakin: Rob. Young obi: Andrew Garfileld. Older Obi: Viggo yeah you heard me. Comedy version: Luke: Michael Cera. Leia: Beyonce. Han: Orlando bloom. Obi's: zach efron, the rock. Vaders: LeBron.
@luluhzinha__: @chrisweitz the Rob's tummy in New Moon was real or makeup? Please Chris kill my curiosity...” Real makeup
PaamSpunk @chrisweitz Edward has 108 years single. Do you think he kept some Playboy under the bed? , Not Playboy, but maybe "Vamp It Up," the nudie mag for the undead
PlumCrazyy@chrisweitz why did Edward look like he just returned from a stint in a Nursing Home w/ all that wool? Wool Coat Mafia anyone? He told me he had the sniffles
@Lilie06: In NM, the flashback scene of Edward&Bella in the meadow.. was it a real flashback from Twilight or did u reshoot it?” reshoot - Original had been shot in 3 locations on 3 separate days, I wanted 1 location and full control of images.
CamiFaith@chrisweitz Why no airplane scenes in New Moon?? Missed a lot of Edward and Bella development. No bashing NM just curious? Please Reply!? Airplane cabins = boring. IMO.
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