Friday, January 21, 2011

Robert Pattinson Explains What's Going On In 'Breaking Dawn' Image And compares acting out intimate moments to playing Twister...

Robert Pattinson has revealed exactly what’s going on in the momentous image of Edward and Bella’s sex scene in Breaking Dawn, and it’s a little less sexy than you may have imagined.

Speaking to MTV about Summit Entertainment’s decision to release what is essentially the money shot (i.e. the couple’s consummation of their relationship after what feels like years of restraint and near misses) as our first official look at the film, the British actor joked: "I love how they release that for the first one. Just give it all away, you know?"

As for what he’s doing in the picture, he replied evasively: "I think I'm sniffing."

Pattinson further kills the passion by likening shooting sex scenes to playing the game Twister, where you have to position yourself awkwardly and the last one to collapse in a heap wins.

"It's always awkward in a way if you're doing it with anybody," he revealed. "It really depends on how it's staged and stuff. It's like doing Twister."

We've obviously been playing using completely different rules to RPattz.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 is released worldwide on November 18.

Source: Muveez

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