Friday, July 22, 2011

Bill Condon reveals how 'Twilight' fans changed the course of 'Breaking Dawn'

One of Bill Condon's The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 interviews from yesterday was with Thompson on Hollywood from IndieWireBlog, and in the interview, Condon revealed how Twilight fans changed at least one major thing in Breaking Dawn - Part 1.

Remember back on the first day of shooting, how Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart walked through the streets of Lapa, Brazil in their honeymoon outfits? If you do, then you'll remember how many extras were brought on-board for the scene and also how many video captures were done by fans in their neighboring apartments, etc. Well, it's a good thing that happened, after all, because the footage from that shot led Twilight fans to speak up about the fact that the two weren't wearing their wedding rings (since the scene, after all, was intended to be a piece of the Honeymoon). That outcry changed the course of Breaking Dawn's treatment of the matter, according to Bill Condon.

The full video interview is attached in the sidebar, but here's the relevant sample.

When asked whether Twilight fans ever gave him any advice he heeded, he said:

“I’ll tell you one thing, it was amazing . . . I’ve never talked about it before, but we shot our first day in Rio in this great neighborhood called Lapa; we were closing the street down, and it was meant to be Bella and Edward sort of walking through the streets . . . very romantic, very sexy as they’re sort of walking toward the boat that’s going to take them to Isle Esme. And we’d had discussions, and we decided that at that point, she was going to have her engagement ring but they weren’t going to exchange . . . there was one moment where we [thought] they weren’t going to exchange rings. Stephenie had mentioned something about it being an Edwardian wedding and rings were in fashion by that point . . . So, we’re on the set, and there were paparazzi there, no matter how hard we tried, the second story of these buildings were filled with paparazzi. It’s two in the morning in Brazil, people take pictures . . . I’m getting phonecalls from the studio – first and only time this happened that you’re getting notes as you’re shooting . . . Literally, I just set up a shot, and it’s like, ‘So, the fans are really, really upset about the rings, I think we made a wrong decision.’” You know, it’s like they want those wedding rings. And this was my first day, I was like, ‘This is what making this movie is going to be like.”


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