Tuesday, June 28, 2011

SWATH Producer tweets about the Film

'Snow White and the Huntsman' producer @palakspatel answered some questions related to the movie.

@CrushOnKStew: @palakspatel if you had to describe what we should expect from #SWATH in one word, what would that word be?” EPIC

@nchantng: @palakspatel How's the script process going? #SWATH Script is absolutely fantastic and evolved into something epic and emotional

@KstewAngel: @palakspatel Is there any additional info u can provide re: the role of Lily Cole in #SWATH?” She has a cool twist in the story

@akane006cullen: @palakspatel tell us something about SWATH” #dark #SWATH If the Bros. Grimm were alive today they'd be proud of our film!

@DDopple: @palakspatel rupert's work looks incredible. Very excited for #swath” Rupert Sanders is the next Chris Nolan in my humble opinion

@nchantng: @palakspatel Will Rupert Sanders come on Twitter to give us teases about production? Please?” Yes definitely, probably thru me

@gymnast216: @palakspatel are you still casting for SWATH Yes, there are other smaller roles to fill.

@loik13: @palakspatel Can you please tell us who Greta is in #SWATH Don't you want it to be a surprise? Don't want to ruin it for others.

"Some questions I can't answer because the studio wants it kept confidential for now. I won't delete them but answer them in due time."


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