Thursday, May 5, 2011

Robert Pattinson Interview with Metro!

Here is a cute new interview with Rob Pattinson where he talks about the type of parts he used to get, living in LA and landing the Water for Elephants role!

What do you miss about Britain now you live in LA?
I miss the light in London, which is different to anywhere, and also the smell of the city. I miss getting pints in pubs. I miss the newspapers – I still prefer English newspapers to US ones – I miss reading the sport section. I miss the football… Arsenal.

How do you deal with fame?

Actually, I was thinking the other day that no one ever rings me up. No one ever asks me to do anything, so it’s kind of easy. And I’m working all the time anyway. But when I’m not working, I’m still one of those people who calls up every name in his entire phonebook to say: ‘Hey, what you doing? Are you doing anything tonight? Can I come with you?’

What was it like starring opposite Reese Witherspoon in epic love story Water For Elephants?
You actually played her son in Vanity Fair a few years ago
That was my first ever job. I was 16 and she was the same then as she is now: lovely. At that time, I didn’t know what I was doing. I got the job by accident. It was nice working with her this time. I’ve met her a couple times through the years and she’s always great. She has an aura of good energy that she puts out to everyone.

How did you land the role in Water For Elephants?

Francis Lawrence, the director, said he wanted to have a meeting and he took me out to the elephant sanctuary where Tai [who plays Rosie the elephant] lives and I saw her doing a handstand and stayed there for about four hours playing catch with her. I would literally throw a ball and she would catch it in her trunk and throw it back to me, and I was like: ‘OK, even if this movie is the worst movie ever made, I get to work with this elephant for three or four months. I’m definitely doing it.’

Click here for rest

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