Sunday, March 20, 2011

Top five rumors addressed by Robert Pattinson yesterday

As you know, last night Robert Pattinson ("Edward Cullen") appeared on both MTV: First and The Tonight Show With Jay Leno in order to promote his pending film release, Water For Elephants (due in theaters April 22nd).
Both interviews were charming and informative, and in the MTV interview alone, Pattinson got the opportunity to address several rumors which had been floating around the web over the past few weeks.

Here are the top five rumors he addressed.
Did he get a dog?

Earlier this February, the Daily Record posted a reportedly new interview with Pattinson in which he explained his decision to adopt a puppy from a local pet shelter, saying: "It's from a shelter and he was going to be put down. I only got him two or three days ago and they only keep them for 10 days. He's been freaked out. It's funny. I got a private plane here from Louisiana, where I was filming Twilight, so he came out of the shelter and the next day he's on a private plane. A bit like Lady And The Tramp."

Some fans were skeptical of the interview's legitimacy, given issues that have existed with Pattinson and that source before (see Gossip Cop's report for more on that).

So, whether Pattinson had actually adopted the animal or not was still something uncertain until MTV's Josh Horowitz brought the issue to a head. Replied Pattinson, "I do I just got one, yes. It’s called Bear . . . He was called Yogi Bear in the shelter, and I thought Yogi Bear was a bit much."

Mystery solved! On to the next . . .

Justin Bieber and the hair

In one of the more oddball stories that floated around a few weeks ago, Jusin Bieber claimed to have a connection with Robert Pattinson - the touch-ability of their hair. According to that story, Justin Bieber was quoted to state:

"One day Robert Pattinson came up to me at a party and said, 'For whatever reason, people love our hair and it's always a great ice-breaker with girls' . . . He is like, 'Hey my name's Robert. Want to touch my hair?' I thought he was joking, but it really works."

This didn't quite sound right, and Robert Pattinson was able to squish this one out quite simply by stating, "I never met this guy," laughing off the story, and noting Bieber's own wild successes and lack of need to make up a story like that.

Daredevil project possibility

Almost as soon as the announcement came that The Twilight Saga: Eclipse director David Slade was lined up to helm a new Daredevil film, Robert Pattinson's name began to circulate the potential new lead actor discussion pool. Evidently, the rumor was labeled as "just talk," but eventually the issue became a talking point for many sites. That rumor is false, per Pattinson's own statement: “I don’t know where that came from at all.”

Is he writing a script?

Yes - two actually. This is one I hadn't heard myself, but apparently buzz about the potential for Robert Pattinson to write his own script came around, and it wasn't a lie at all. "It’s sort of Lillian Hellman involved . . . I’m still in the process. I’m trying to write something else as well, but they’re all kind of top secret," he explained of the projects.

It should be interesting to see what comes of that! And last but not least . . .

Will Robert Pattinson sing in Breaking Dawn?

No. However he will play the piano. "I did play the piano . . . I haven’t played the piano in years, and I learned it in about 10 seconds," he explained. Robert Pattinson is expected to play the piano in the film for the moment when Edward Cullen plays "Bella's Lullaby" for his new family, per the book's storyline, and so it shall be . . . but the singing story went one too far from the truth.


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