Thursday, March 17, 2011

Twittertime with Chris Weitz

It's Twilight Tuesday and Chris Weitz was up and early for Rob, Kristen and New Moon 'related' questions. And he was entertaining as ever. Fun!

rkfanz @chrisweitz The dream Bella had in New Moon that got cut was really freaky & cool. Were you upset that it didn't make it to movie? Nah. Didn;t move forward the plot. It was pretty weird, hunh? BAsed on Gregory VCrewdson photos, and we built a room set half in the dirt

TracySHardin@chrisweitz if you could remake Star Wars with actors today, who would play Luke, Leia, Han, etc...? Wow unlovely this question. I will first answer seriously, then poorly. Luke: my man Lautner. Leia: KS. Han: James Franco. Darth: still James Earl Jones. Young annakin: Rob. Young obi: Andrew Garfileld. Older Obi: Viggo yeah you heard me. Comedy version: Luke: Michael Cera. Leia: Beyonce. Han: Orlando bloom. Obi's: zach efron, the rock. Vaders: LeBron.

@luluhzinha__: @chrisweitz the Rob's tummy in New Moon was real or makeup? Please Chris kill my curiosity...” Real makeup

PaamSpunk @chrisweitz Edward has 108 years single. Do you think he kept some Playboy under the bed? , Not Playboy, but maybe "Vamp It Up," the nudie mag for the undead

PlumCrazyy@chrisweitz why did Edward look like he just returned from a stint in a Nursing Home w/ all that wool? Wool Coat Mafia anyone? He told me he had the sniffles

@Lilie06: In NM, the flashback scene of Edward&Bella in the meadow.. was it a real flashback from Twilight or did u reshoot it?” reshoot - Original had been shot in 3 locations on 3 separate days, I wanted 1 location and full control of images.

CamiFaith@chrisweitz Why no airplane scenes in New Moon?? Missed a lot of Edward and Bella development. No bashing NM just curious? Please Reply!? Airplane cabins = boring. IMO.


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